Remember that nutrition is the basis for all activity, from thinking to training. Eat right.

Check here for word, schedules and pictures from events.
This resource is unofficial and does not represent the views of the USMC, the DoD or any other government agency.

Friday, August 31

Let's try this again

Company PT this week will be a mock PFT at the 9800 course. This will not be for score, but rather to get a feel for the different run route. Meet at 0630 at building 9804 pull-up bars, hydrate & bring water.
The 3 mile course is roughly 5 laps around the 9800 barracks area.

If you desire to take this PFT for score, you will need to notify the Company Training Chief and your Plt Commander on Tuesday the 4th. If so, height/weight will be taken on site at the Company B S3T by Company L Ops Chief.

Monday, August 27

Boots & Utes: MCMAP

PT this WEDNESDAY morning will be at Quick Hall sand pit in boots and Utes at 0615.
The work out will be a routine known simply as:
"Fight Gone Bad"
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is taken before repeating for round two, then another one minute break, then the third and final round.
We'll complete 3 rounds of the following five stations on this iteration:
  1. Wall-ball w/medicine ball, 10 or 8 ft target. (Reps)
  2. Deadlift 2x5 gallon water can (Reps)
  3. Sand Pit Parapet Jump w/flak jacket or w/out(Reps)
  4. Push-press 45 pounds/Rubber Rifle (Reps)
  5. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) (Reps)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," each Marine must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each repetition of each exercise.

Your score will fall into one of three categories:

Big Dogs: Use 10ft target for wall-ball, wear flak jacket during jumps, 45 lb bar for push-press and 20KG kettlebell for SDHP

Pack: 8ft target, no flak jacket, rubber rifle for push press, 16 KG kettlebell SDHP

Puppies: best effort on wall-ball, no flak jacket & step up vice jumps, rubber rifle for push press and 12 KG kettlebell for SDHP

All exercises will be demo'ed and fault checked for all hands prior to starting.

Hydrate and bring water.

I got beat, fair and square.
All but two Marines used the Big Dogs scaling, I'll adjust next time since we're tougher than I thought, kudos.
The common CrossFit standard for FGB.
Fight Gone Bad used by Athletes for a Cure.

Saturday, August 18

PFT practice

Company PT this week will be a mock PFT at the 9800 course. This will not be for score, but rather to get a feel for the different run route. Meet at 0630 at building 9804 pull-up bars, hydrate & bring water.
The 3 mile course is roughly 5 laps around the 9800 barracks area.

The CO will be on leave, those who have been meeting for work outs will need to continue on your own this week, we will resume next Monday. Go to for ideas each day.

Tuesday, August 14

Boots & utes: Quick Hall

Uniform: Combat Boots, Utility trousers & green t-shirt
Location: Quick Hall (barracks)
Time: 0615, 15 August 2007
Hydrate today, & bring a water source tomorrow.
Be prepared for strength training, sprints & agility drills.

Parter workout, utilizing (1) rubber rifle, (1) kick shield and (1) 5 gal water can
You hold rifle, partner hold kick shield.
5x for time
You execute push kick to partner's chest (blocked by pad),
immediately grab water can and carry across full length of basketball court, drop gear,
you immediately sprint back to your partner, touch ground and run back to gear,
pcik up gear and carry across full length of basketball court, drop gear & change over,
partner has rifle, you have kick shield, repeat.
This is 1 round, 5 full rounds completes WOD.

Friday, August 10

Combat Conditioning

Several Marines have come out looking for more CrossFit work outs. This will be open to all who wish to attend.
Weekdays 0600
Place is usually Quick Hall pull-up bars, but check first.

Thursday we did:
Five rounds for time of a circuit:
100m sprint
20 Body rows
10 Over Head Squats
5 KB swings (varying weights)

Friday's work out was:
"Fight Gone Bad"
Exercises are executed on five stations, one minute per station, after each minute participants immediately switch to the next exercise until completing all 5 stations. This equals one round.
FGB= Three rounds, one minute break between rounds.
Exercises stations:
Deadlift with 2x 2/3 full 5 gallon water jugs
8lb rubber rifle thruster
Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ makeshift cement and steel rod bars (~25#)
Ground Elbows mounted on a punch/kick shield
Box jumps onto 15inch sandbag parapet

No one to keep score, just went at it. This was the first FGB for all four of them.
It was a wrecking ball on my system.

So if you're looking for a solid work out, make contact, show up, and get some.

Monday, August 6

Company Swim PT this week

Swim PT, same as below. Show up at 0615 in the main Gaffney gym in PT gear for the warm-up & demos. We will be running a combat conditioning swim drill.
  • Be prepared to change over immediately after the warm-up into swim gear
  • Have a towel, shower shoes or flip-flops, and any other gear you'd like for swimming (googles, nose plugs)
  • The "Speedo" is not authorized pt gear.
The Conditioning Drill will consist of squats and laps; so come motivated and get some.

****results were outstanding, and devastatingly so****
After the 3x5-15 of the CFWU and 5 minutes of cardio machines to break a sweat we did the following:

100 Squats
500m swim (10 laps)
100 Squats

Squats were to have been air squats, with full range of motion, many lacked the full ROM. Good efforts, but we need to work on this. When you cheat the full range of motion, you cheat yourself. Integrity is something you can lose quickly, and never earn back.
I heard times from ~19:00 to ~28:00, still not keeping for records, but that grace period is winding down.
Good work done by all who showed.